Which type of events does EUROAVIA organize?

EUROAVIA organizes a lots of events like space rendez-vous, company visits, social events (all around Italy andalso abroad) and international challenges.Most of the activities mentioned before are free for EUROAVIANs and only a few of them (i.e. international events) require an additional fee.

What are the Working Groups?

Working Groups are the operating parts of every local EUROAVIA’s association.There are different types of WGs (Workin Groups) each is responsible for different tasks that help to keep alive the organization and is made of EUROAVIA members which often are students too.Join one of them to improve your skills and help us to operate the …

What is the Local Board?

The Local Board of EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna represent EUROAVIA on a local level and is a body made up of 3-7 members elected during the annual Local Electoral Meeting and who jointly oversee the activities of the association.

How can I join EUROAVIA?

You can visit the EUROAVIA Forli-Bologna Website and fill out the member subscription form, write to team@euroaviaforlibologna.eu or speak with one of the Local Board members. Then you have to pay the 10€ fee using one of the methods indicated on the website and after that you became officially a member of EUROAVIA Forli-Bologna.


EUROAVIA is the European Association of Aerospace Students, representing the interests of over 2000 students from 42 universities in 18 European countries. Established in 1959, EUROAVIA wants to be a bridge between companies, universities and students. Its goals are: promote European cooperation in the aerospace field by providing opportunities for our members to meet, exchange …