Working Groups

Want to make good use of your skills? Join a WG!

Working Groups are what really drives EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna!

They are groups of passionate people dedicated to specific activities within the Association.

Their main job is to deliver the Local Board approved requests, by creating promotional material, spreading the news, managing the Association’s social media, maintaining the website and recruiting sponsors for its promotion.

Design & Communication WG

Responsible for the promotion of the Association and its events on its communication channels and to show a strong image of the AS both to partners and members.
Also responsible to create the event’s promotional material (i.e. designs for banners/posters, photo editing), designing the Association merchandise and managing the Corporate Identity regulations.
Coordinator: Simone Borsari & Juan Andrés Davila

Public Relations & Events WG

Responsible for the event organization by defining their schedule and organizing their logistics. This WG is also responsible for finding new sponsors and partnerships between EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna and third parties, from academic to corporate and even institutional entities.
Coordinator: Hugo Santiago Mengoa Paredes

Information Technology WG

Responsible for maintaining and improving the website and all the Association’s virtual platforms, keeping them always up and running. The WG also assists the events organization by providing IT support and advises the Local Board on IT issues and suggested upgrades.
Coordinator: Gianmarco Bonifazi

Design & Communication WG

Simone Borsari

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's Degree.

He's passionate about photography, loves to travel and enjoys a day out discovering new remote places. A physics and aeronautics enthusiast who is looking forward to put his ideas into something more practical.

Juan Andres Davila

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's Degree.

He is passionate for Formula 1 and aerodynamics. Enthusiastic about contributing to this high-speed world. Outside his professional pursuits, climbing, hiking and psychology.

Giulia Forlani
Ashwin Shibu

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Master's Degree.

Enthusiastic in the field of aerospace and looking forward to learning and making meaningful contributions to humanity. He also loves to build PC, play FPS games, mess with 3D printers, invest in stocks, and taste different varieties of food.

Chiara Pennuti

Composite Manufacturing Engineer at Isar Aerospace Technologies

She is a dedicated aerospace enthusiast, finding her true passion in exploring the skies and pushing the boundaries of aerospace technology. When she's not crafting the future of space travel, she can be found on breathtaking hiking trails or embarking on adventures around the globe, constantly seeking new horizons to conquer.


Information Technology WG

Gianmarco Bonifazi

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's degree.

Passionate about everything related to space exploration and aerodynamics. Lover of IT world since his childhood, he's now willing to explore the CFD world.
In his free time he loves to go out camping in the mountains to free his mind. He practices rock climbing and he's a certified gym bro. Trap music enjoyer.

Mayukh Das

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Master's Degree.

He's very quiet and an active listener . He's a huge football fan, one of the main reason he came to Italy. He likes to listen to music, to travel and see new places. One of his biggest aim is to travel all the European Countries. He tries to solve problems by looking into unique solutions and using creativity. Right now he's trying to get used to the new Italian culture, traditions as well as cuisine.

Mattia Tadiotto

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Master's Degree

He's passionate about all the aerospace world, from the racing applications like Formula 1 to airplanes and space exploration.
He likes learning new things everyday and he's motivated by novelties which can be new problems to solve or new arguments to learn.

Nicolò Basso

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's Degree.

He enjoy working hard for what he loves and learning new things. Fan of space exploration and astronomy, he dreams of being part of this century big events in the exploration and colonization of space. His hobbies are gaming, practicing guitar and coding.


Public Relations & Events WG

Hugo Santiago Mengoa Paredes

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's Degree.

Passionate about space and intrigued by extraterrestrial travel, he is always eager to learn more. If you need anything just call him, also if you are looking for a spot at the gym. Music is one of his passions, and he enjoys exploring new genres. He is always up for a good party and is drawn to new challenges. Occasionally, he seeks solitude and disappears to find inner peace. In general, he radiates positivity and embraces only good vibes.

Sara Rastakhiz Ghasroldashti

Studying aerospace engineering, Master's degree.

She is a learning enthusiast and loves meeting new people. She also loves cooking and walking all over town. She is from Iran and she will do everything in her power to help other students. She wants to one day have her own space company and design an orbital space settlement.

Gianluca D'Agostino

Studying Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor's Degree.

Passionate about literature, science, art and nature. He has a strong interest in how things work and is open and interested in new discoveries to learn about the world. He believes that teamwork is important, even if he tries to improve himself every day to work better when alone.