Second Round of election for Designated Local Board Officers 2022/2023

the Local board is glad to announce that the application period for the second round of election for Designated Local Board of the Business Year 2022/2023 will open the 10th of June at 14:00 CEST.

About being a Local Board Officer

The Local Board represents the association at the local and international level and it is responsible for the general functioning of EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna. It is the decision-making body which controls policies and statements; works on projects, financial matters and achievement of EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna’s strategic goals. The wide area of activities includes fundraising, internal and external communication, the supporting and planning of events and the coordination of the Working Groups. Being a member of the EUROAVIA Local Board requires responsibility and organisational skills, but it is also highly rewarding. It is not only an amazing opportunity to grow and challenge yourself but also a chance to practice and improve your management skills. You will meet people from all over the world, from students to top managers of the industry, and it will enrich your professional career experience.


Any EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna member is eligible for candidature. Current members of the Local Board are also eligible.

Application Process

EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna members interested in running for the DLB should send their CV, a motivation letter and a Power Point presentation to the Local Board at before the deadline. The documents must be written in English on the templates available on this page.

During the Election Day the candidates will briefly present themselves to the members of EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna using the Power Point previously sent. After that, they will have to answer questions regarding their presentation and EUROAVIA.

The motivation letter should contain:

  • Personal details: Full name, email, mobile;
  • A brief introduction on your personal academic and EUROAVIA history;
  • The position that you would like to have within the Designated Local Board and why;
  • Plans, vision and ideas for the future of EUROAVIA.

Template Motivation Letter

The Power Point presentation should contain:

  • An introduction on your personal academic and EUROAVIA history;
  • Plans, vision and ideas for the future of EUROAVIA.

The presentation should last 10 minutes maximum.

Template PowerPoint Presentation

The deadline to submit the motivation letter, the Power Point presentation and the CV is the 25th of June 2022 at 23:59 CEST.

Open Positions

Like in every executive, multiple positions are eligible. You might express a preference for one of these:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer 

to whom following positions will be aligned:

  • Vicepresident: will represent the president and will be in charge of his/her duties in case he/she won’t be able to work, furthermore he will gain his power for a limited amount of time. The most important topics will always be reviewed and discussed with the president.
  • Executive member (EM): He’s in charge of the organisation of local events and the operative leading of the association according to requirements and tasks that will be entrusted to him.

If you believe that you can make a difference in our association’s future, if you think your ideas could really help and if you think you would be a great Local Board member; take a step forward and run for it!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask without any hesitation. Contact us at or on Instagram.