Artificial Intelligence in Space

Hello EUROAVIAns, We are glad to announce that our space rendez-vous are coming back!!! At Bifor, on November 4th at 19 p.m, we have invited Alessandro Lotti, a PhD candidate, who will tell us about artificial intelligence in space. Even if the topic seems interesting from the very beginning, just wait, come with us and …

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Solar System

17 December 2019 | 18.30 | BiFor, Forlì Have you ever dreamt about space travelling? To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before! 🚀Well, combining science, food and beer🍻, this monthly topic will be space travelling-related: PhD candidate @rickylas2 will introduce us the …