Good morning EUROAVIAns,
in today’s Fact Friday we talk about innovative ways to increase farm productivity.

The global need for food is projected to double by 2050 because of population growth, dietary change, and bioenergy use, while droughts alone reduced global crop production by 10%, and farming land is being degraded by soil erosion, and mineral exhaustion. Hence, greater demands are placed on agriculture than ever before, and growers are depending on satellite data to increase their crops.

The number of surveillance satellites are expanding the quantity and quality of the data that is available to growers. Satellite views help them quickly detect seasonal problems regarding nutrient deficiencies in the soil, pests, and disease through the use of near infrared sensors (NIR). This information gives them the best chance to correct issues that would constrain crop performance.

Up until now, satellite imagery was simply not frequent enough to react to crop stress in a timely manner. Now, daily imagery is a game changer for agriculture. Access to information about the real-time status of soil, water, and crops will enhance operational planning and decision making, while facilitating substantial productivity gains across the farming industry. This will lead to the adoption of meticulous farming technologies that are vital to the world’s agricultural industry.