
Are you tired of the science fiction colossal where: people die, planets explode and the dad of the protagonist has the power of removing the air to anyone he wants ? Well Spaceballs is the movie for you! Conceived as the parody of Star Wars and Star Trek. In a very far away galaxy, the …

Turbine Blades

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about turbine blades. Efficiency is of great importance in the field of aerospace engineering. Efficiency decreases fuel usage, increases capacity and reduces environmental effects. A major part of an aircraft’s efficiency is the burning temperatures of the fuel. A typical jet engine sucks in air, compresses …

Mae Jemison

Mae Jemison was born in Alabama in 1956 and raised in Chicago. She was obsessed with space and had always known that one day she would go there. But she had noticed that amongst all astronauts there was no one who looked like her. But thanks to the Star Trek TV series, which showed different …

Flight simulators

Good morning EUROAVIAns, today we talk about… flight simulators! To become a pilot you have to fly a lot of hours but also to keep your licence alive you have to train and practice emergency manoeuvres which are so dangerous that you can’t just fly and try it with a real plane: it’s only possible …

Ad Astra

In this film Brad Pritt is Roy McBride an experienced astronaut, living in the late 21st century, who is chosen to do a special mission, he must save the Earth from power surges that are happening all around the world. These events are caused by another spacecraft of a previous mission called “Lima Project” and …

DART mission

Good morning dear #EUROAVIAns, in this Fact Friday we talk about how humans will try to divert an asteroid! 🌑 Let’s imagine this situation: we discover that a 100 m wide asteroid is directed towards Earth and it will hit a large city. How could this thread be faced? 😱 Panic is not an option …

Alan Shepard

Mostly people remind him as the first American on the space. I honestly know him as the first person to play golf on the moon, without any participation to a “Major golf” tournament. Now I am going to sum up his life, which looks like an adventure book. He was born in New Hampshire in …

Carbon neutral flights

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about Carbon-neutral flights (CO2 neutral).  In recent years, due to the growing attention to climate problems, airlines are also trying to change things into greener aviation. One of the terms mostly used these days is “carbon-neutral flights”, but what does it mean?  Carbon neutrality means to …

ASAT test endagers ISS

THE ISS IS IN DANGER According to the US State Department, Russia destroyed a satellite with a ground-based missile, creating thousands of debris that have spread out into Earth orbit.It is known that Russia performed an ASAT test on the 16th of November 2021, and on the same day a Russian satellite blew up, endangering …

First man

The legendary story of the man who said the famous phrase: “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” “Un piccolo passo per l’uomo, un gigantesco balzo per l’umanità” After suffering the terrible mourning of the loss of his daughter, Neil Armstrong joins NASA in 1962. After a career as a test …

CFD applied to sports

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we are  talking about CFD, the acronym for ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’, one of the newest developments in aerospace engineering, but not only! It consists of providing the numerical solution of a fluid dynamics model, usually based on partial-derivatives differential equations. This is a very difficult task, because these …