Urban air mobility

Dear #EUROAVIAns, today we’ll give a quick look to what is considered the future of urban life, and a solution to everyday problems with mobility in urban areas 🏙. Urban Air Mobility (UAM) consists in the use of flying vehicles to mobilize people and cargo in a quick and efficient way. Flying in urban areas means …

Space crisis

Hello #EUROAVIAns, today we’re talking about one of the hardest periods in space exploration 🔭. Because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russia has suffered some heavy economic sanctions 💰 and that is having an impact on an important number of space missions and the cooperation inside the ISS 🛰. Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of Roscosmos since …

Antonov An-225 Mriya

Hello EUROAVIAns, it’s time for a fridayfact! 📅 Today we are talking about the heaviest plane ever built. In the 1980s the soviet space program “Burian” was in development. It was an almost exact counterpart of the US Space Shuttle.For this project, it was necessary to move the huge rocket parts, and there was no airplane able …

James Webb Space Telescope

Good morning EUROAVIAns, today we talk about the James Webb Space Telescope, which will happen tomorrow at 13:20 CET from French Guana with an Arian 5 launcher. The telescope is the result of the collaborations of NASA, ESA and the CSA space agencies. Thousands of scientists, engineers, and other professionals from more than 14 countries …

The Davis wing

Hello #EUROAVIAns, today we are talking about the Davis wing. In 1937 Consolidated, a major aircraft company at the time, was specialized in naval patrol seaplanes and was growing a certain interest toward heavy, ground based bombers. Both kinds of aircraft required extremely long ranges, and thus the main goal of the employed engineers was that …

Turbine Blades

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about turbine blades. Efficiency is of great importance in the field of aerospace engineering. Efficiency decreases fuel usage, increases capacity and reduces environmental effects. A major part of an aircraft’s efficiency is the burning temperatures of the fuel. A typical jet engine sucks in air, compresses …

Flight simulators

Good morning EUROAVIAns, today we talk about… flight simulators! To become a pilot you have to fly a lot of hours but also to keep your licence alive you have to train and practice emergency manoeuvres which are so dangerous that you can’t just fly and try it with a real plane: it’s only possible …

Ad Astra

In this film Brad Pritt is Roy McBride an experienced astronaut, living in the late 21st century, who is chosen to do a special mission, he must save the Earth from power surges that are happening all around the world. These events are caused by another spacecraft of a previous mission called “Lima Project” and …

DART mission

Good morning dear #EUROAVIAns, in this Fact Friday we talk about how humans will try to divert an asteroid! 🌑 Let’s imagine this situation: we discover that a 100 m wide asteroid is directed towards Earth and it will hit a large city. How could this thread be faced? 😱 Panic is not an option …

Carbon neutral flights

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about Carbon-neutral flights (CO2 neutral).  In recent years, due to the growing attention to climate problems, airlines are also trying to change things into greener aviation. One of the terms mostly used these days is “carbon-neutral flights”, but what does it mean?  Carbon neutrality means to …

CFD applied to sports

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we are  talking about CFD, the acronym for ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’, one of the newest developments in aerospace engineering, but not only! It consists of providing the numerical solution of a fluid dynamics model, usually based on partial-derivatives differential equations. This is a very difficult task, because these …